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$600 includes 3 hours

+$200.00 per additional hour

  • Unlimited digital downloads of pictures
  • cloud link to all pictures
  • Standard Backdrop
  • Premium Event prop table
  • Boomerang Features turned on
  • On-site attendant(s)
  • Personalized event graphic on all prints
  • Free Setup/Tear Down

$700 includes 3 hours

+$200.00 per additional hour

  • Unlimited digital downloads of pictures
  • cloud link to all pictures
  • Standard Backdrop
  • Premium Event prop table
  • Boomerang Features turned on
  • On-site attendant(s)
  • Personalized event graphic on all prints
  • Free Setup/Tear Down
  • Printer with up to 120 Prints
$800 includes 4 hours

+$200.00 per additional hour

  • Unlimited digital downloads of pictures
  • cloud link to all pictures
  • Standard Backdrop
  • Premium Event prop table
  • Boomerang Features turned on
  • On-site attendant(s)
  • Personalized event graphic on all prints
  • Free Setup/Tear Down
  • Printer with up to 120 Prints
  • Inflatable Photo Booth